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MercEmail A Weekly Devotional
from Steve Higginbotham

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Not So Fast!
by Steve Higginbotham
September 16, 2008
DeSean Jackson is a wide-receiver for the Philadelphia Eagles.  In last night's game against the Dallas Cowboys, DeSean caught a 61-yard pass for a touchdown.  Or was it?  Upon review, officials noticed that DeSean, who was running unmolested toward the end zone, began his touchdown celebration too soon, and simply let go of the ball on the 1-yard line, prior to reaching the end zone.

The best one can say about this blunder is that it was a terrible mental lapse.  However, some have not been so kind.  One of the Monday Night Football announcers said that he had never seen such a "bone-headed play."

As I watched this play, I couldn't help but think of how many people make similar mistakes.  DeSean Jackson is not alone.  You see, our eternal reward will not be given to those who started, but to those who finished.  How disappointing to have victory in sight, only to needlessly fumble it away?  And how many people do we know who have done just that?

Friends, don't lose sight of the goal, and don't needlessly fumble away your victory.  Be faithful to the end, and the victory will be yours (Revelation 2:10).
Copyright © 2008, South Green Street Church of Christ, Glasgow, Kentucky
Permission is granted to copy these articles.